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电话: 86-0312-6402181
传真: 86-0312-6402181
姓名: Lili Hou
Hengxin Leather Handbag

  We are a professional bag supplier with more than 8 years production experience, providing high-quality bags in time. All the manufacturing processes are under strict quality control by QC *域名隐藏* purpose is to make the buy's life more comfortable. Besides, all the OEM and ODM orders will be warmly welcomed! Customer satisfaction is our goal. We would like to offer excellent service, superior products, fast delivery and competitive price to all the customers...

主要产品/业务: We are a fashion lady handbag supplier in China.

Hengxin Leather Handbag / 河北 / Baigou,Baoding,Hebei Province (074004 ) / 电话:86-0312-6402181

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